How Mediation Helps Clients Take Control Of Their Divorce

Article written on April 27, 2015 by Christine Kerian, an experienced mediation lawyer and the principal of Harmony Family Law Mediation Group in Los Angeles, CA.


Although the decision to divorce is difficult and emotionally trying, the process by which clients go about to legally end their relationship can be a respectful and peaceful one so long as clients take charge of their situation and seek a no court, non-litigation, non-adversarial means, such as mediation. Most clients do not realize that in the mediation process, clients hold the key to their own destiny.

In mediation, a well trained and qualified mediator helps facilitate communications and negotiations between the clients themselves, thereby empowering them to maintain control over their divorce and make their own decisions regarding issues pertaining to their matter, such as a parenting plan with respect to their children, division of their property and assets, financials and budgetary issues, assumption of their debts and obligations, or any other issue which needs to be addressed. This is different from the litigation or court process where clients give up control over their matter and empower their attorneys and, eventually, a Judge as the ultimate decision-maker over their lives.

In the mediation process, clients are empowered because they are voluntarily participating, taking charge of their situation and making free and informed choices as to the process and the final outcome. As a result, clients maintain integrity and respect, while fostering a healthier and more balanced restructured family unit.

Finally, not only is the mediation process cost-effective in and of itself, but clients are able to maintain control and manage fees and costs. A mediator attorney can serve as a “one-stop shop” for clients by helping clients through the legal process, discussing and negotiating issues, drafting legal documents and drafting the final agreement, all of which can be prepared within the parameters of mediation.

In conclusion, mediation empowers parties by allowing ongoing, respectful communications and negotiations and serving as a cost-effective and peaceful approach by which to obtain a divorce.

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