What are the benefits of Mediation?

FAQ written by Christine Kerian, an experienced mediation lawyer and the principal of Harmony Family Law Mediation Group in Los Angeles, CA.

  • Settlement discussions are private and confidential in a comfortable and informal setting.

In mediation, your settlement discussions, concerns, statements, etc. are confidential. Mediation promotes a safe arena for individuals to consider options and alternatives, as well as, compiling creative solutions, without the fear that they may be used against you in court or elsewhere.

  • The process of mediation is affordable and cost effective.

Most people do not realize that the cost of going to court and pursuing an adversarial process is extremely expensive and burdensome to families both financially and emotionally.

Mediation is truly the affordable alternative in comparison to traditional litigation. One attorney (the mediator) assists both sides to reach an agreement over all issues.

  • The parties maintain control over their individual and family’s future.

In a traditional adversarial process, control over the individuals and their family issues is dictated by the lawyers on each side and the Judge in the courtroom. Basically, parties relinquish their control to strangers such as judges or lawyers who make important life decisions on their behalf.

In mediation, the parties exercise control over their own lives because only they know what is best for themselves and their children. In mediation, the individuals make decisions about their children’s future, how the parties will co-parent and share time with them; arrangements for support, and how the property and debts they have acquired and/or accumulated during their marriage will be distributed and allocated.

  • Focused and creative solutions and outcomes.

Mediation relies upon the mediator’s skill in maintaining a focused and constructive communication and dialog between the parties.

In mediation, issues are presented in a non-threatening manner and the parties are able to focus more effectively on their children’s needs and their individual needs.

The process gives the parties the freedom and opportunity to formulate more creative and satisfactory solutions that may not be available through the traditional legal process.

  • Less stressful and less animosity.

Mediation gives individuals the freedom and opportunity to communicate constructively and formulate focused, respectful and creative solutions.

In an adversarial process, family relationships are frequently damaged and destroyed as a result of the animosity and tension. Mediation fosters preservation of dignity and self worth.

  • Court approved.

An agreement reached between the parties will be court approved and enforceable without the parties ever having to go to Court.

  • More efficient and expeditious than going to court.

The litigation process of going to court can take many months and sometimes years. A case which is mediated can be completed in several hours or within weeks.

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    Empowering Individuals To Resolve Conflict Peacefully
    If you know someone in Southern California who you think might benefit from non-litigation alternatives to dispute resolution and other family law services, please refer them to Harmony Family Law Mediation Group. Our experienced staff will custom tailor an affordable solution to resolve their legal issues peacefully. Our phone number is (323) 663-1000.

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